We have many beautiful parks nearby that benefit our residents by providing outdoor areas for recreation and relaxation. But, did you know that if that same park is full of litter, it can negatively impact its visitors by increasing their anxiety and depression? And that’s just one effect: Litter does plenty of damage to the health, safety, and economy of our cities.
Here at Twin Pines Apartments, we believe in keeping Anaheim happy and vibrant! Each summer, as members of AMC, we get together to do a beach and park cleanup in Anaheim and surrounding areas. This year, due to COVID-19, we will each conduct our own clean-up efforts with our immediate households to allow for social distancing.
Clean up the park—or beach—on July 25 or another day that works best for you and your crew. Here’s some more information on why it’s important, what you’ll need, and how to stay safe.
Here’s Why It’s Important!
“There is satisfaction to say, ‘I removed ten pounds of trash from my beach,’” says Kara Lavender Law, a research oceanography professor. “Even if it’s only ten pounds, that’s ten pounds that isn’t going to go into the open ocean.”
In addition to protecting wildlife, “clean beaches provide economic benefit to local communities in the form of tourism dollars,” says Laura Parker at National Geographic . “In southern California, researchers calculated that in Orange County alone that potential could translate into $46 million in just one summer.”
Whether you head to Twila Reid or Stanton Central Park or take a trip to Seal or Sunset Beach, your contribution of picking up litter is making our world a more beautiful place. And if you want to burn some extra calories, picking up trash can easily double as a fun workout!
What You’ll Need for July 25
Mark your calendar for the 25th, then start preparing! Here are some suggested supplies for your cleanup event :
Also, remember to stay hydrated and keep your energy levels up! A personal water bottle and some protein-packed snacks should do the trick!
Staying Safe
Your household-only crew will make for a small group this year, due to COVID-19 guidelines. If you do include people outside of your household, be sure to stay six feet away and wear a mask when social distancing isn’t possible.
Our annual beach and park cleanup in Anaheim this year will look pretty different than in years past. That doesn’t mean it has to be any less memorable! Join us for our beach and park cleanup effort on July 25 or anytime during the month of July! Tag Twin Pines Apartments in your photos and use the hashtags #AMCcleanup and #livehappy. We can’t wait to see how you make Anaheim even more beautiful!
Galen Rokosz (Google)
Blanca Garcia (Google)
Jessy G. (Yelp)
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AMC operating under CA Dept. of Real Estate License #00881503